We are all so excited to celebrate our youngest members at in-person Youth Church! Bring your kids, grandkids, neighbor kids, ALL kids ages birth-12 to service. Youth Church meets during Sunday Service (10:00 to 11:15 am), and is open to all.
Imagine learning who you are, bring accepted just as you are and discovering your own creativity at an early age. Imagine learning how to focus your thoughts, still your mind and create your life before you encounter fear, limitation and being expected to just fit in. In our Youth Church, we teach age-appropriate affirmative prayer, meditation, forgiveness and gratitude. Through stories, games, crafts and experiential activities, children learn to apply spiritual truths and practices in their daily lives.
Ages: Birth - 12
Location: Youth Church (north wing of the Sanctuary building)
Time: 10:00 am (during service)